Wednesday, June 14, 2006

For Every Season Turn Turn Turn...

Hey! How do you say the word 'turn'? Like churn? Like lets churn some butter churn? Or do you say it like tern? Like the Arctic tern, the bird that has the longest migration of all birds? I guess the arctic tern is one thing I remember about 2nd grade.

I think I say churn. But I say turn too. Like if I'm talking fast I'll say churn, but If I say 'you want to turn up ahead' I'll say tern. And I say Re-tern of the Jedi, not Re-churn of the Jedi. Wait, no I don't . I think I just switch between those two a lot. Oh well.

This isn't that huge post either.


At 9:00 PM, Blogger mokujin said...

I think well all switch in between, but I use churn the most, it prolly is another east and west side thing. Like with the Reese's. And you're stuck in the middle of the whole thing.


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